Ahh... Amazon. I used to be such a mall rat, but lately, I can't believe just how much I buy online, especially for the holidays. (Wait, does anyone say "mall rat" anymore?) On Black Friday, while everyone else was standing in long lines and fighting for the last flat screen tv, I spent most of the ... read more
What I’m Buying on Amazon Prime Day
Happy Prime Day 2016 Today is Prime Day! Don't know what that is? Well, it's the day when Amazon Prime Members get great prices on all kinds of merchandise. Not a prime member? Sign up here - get a free 30 day membership! With all of the pool construction being done at our house, the only ... read more
Big News: We are Moving and Adopting
Yes, you read that right. We are moving AND adopting. Ugh. Just writing the words "we are moving" up there makes my heart hurt. After four years and an insane amount of updating to this house, we are at the point of outgrowing our pretty little house. (side note: I know I haven't shared all of ... read more
Changes Ch-ch-ch-changes...That song never fails to run through my head when someone says "changes". I know, I've been missing in action lately. I took a break. I needed it. I was having a mini-meltdown over trying to blog and accomplish things in real life, and keep my perspective about this ... read more
Our latest pet rescues
It seems there is always something going on around here regarding our animals. As you know, we have three dogs, three cats and two African Gray parrots. You can check them all out here. As you can imagine, we are never short on fur-covered furniture or slobber around here, no sir-ee. ... read more
What Do You Think of Black Window Frames?
HELLO!! I know, it's been a while. Sorry about that - hope you didn't miss me too much. I took a little break and now I'm back. No big reason or story, except I needed to take a much needed mental break :) While I was gone, I got a few projects done - more on those later. I've also been ... read more
Downton Abbey
Okay, so I've been bitten by the Downton Abbey bug, like many of you. I know that Netflix has Season one, but I found this website, Simply June, that has all three seasons (free)! So, if you haven't fallen in love with Downton Abbey yet, this is the site go to to check it out. And, if you haven't ... read more
2013: Changes
I know I'm a bit late on this, but Happy New Year!! According to the Mayan Calendar, we aren't supposed to be here right now. Or at least there should have had some kind of event that would have altered life as we know it. Actually, there were many interpretations of what was supposed to happen ... read more
Out of my League? Yep. But I’m still playing.
I know I've been MIA lately. Sorry. I've been having a bit of a internal struggle about whether I should keep blogging. Let me take a minute to explain. Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. Last month, I had 30 people here for Thanksgiving dinner. It was fabulous. I loved every second of seeing ... read more
A Beautiful Sunrise
One of the benefits of being up so early to take my son to the school bus is that I get to see some beautiful sunrises. This morning's sunrise was one for the books... or the blog. ... read more