I know I’m a bit late on this, but Happy New Year!!
According to the Mayan Calendar, we aren’t supposed to be here right now. Or at least there should have had some kind of event that would have altered life as we know it. Actually, there were many interpretations of what was supposed to happen at the Winter Solstice, and based on your beliefs (spiritual/religious etc) you might, or might not, have bought into them.
Now that December 21, 2012 has past, and we are all still alive and kicking, I’m choosing to believe it marked a new beginning for me. It has nothing to do with what I believe in religiously, but more with how I am going to let it change my life. Even if you didn’t really buy into the “the world is going to end” hype, you have to admit that you felt the tiniest bit of apprehension as 12 am rolled around. (If you didn’t, good for you – but just follow along like you did, okay?) I know that in the furthest corners of my mind, I thought about all the things I haven’t done yet. And no, I don’t just mean around the house! LOL! But I regretted all the time I’ve wasted not living the way I dreamed I would as a child. You know, when I dreamed I would live in a mansion in Italy, drive a Lamborghini, be a lawyer/actress, marry Billy Joel and have three kids – wait, you didn’t play M.A.S.H.?
Anyway…As a family, we are pretty laid back. My daughter is in college, works part time and pretty much does her own thing. My son is in middle school, and other than volleyball once a week, he doesn’t play any sports (we’ve tried them all) or have any hobbies that require all the running back and forth that my friends all seem to do with their kids. My husband is a doctor, and after a long day at work, he doesn’t want to do much more than enjoy the time with his family and relax a little. I know it might seem like heaven to all of you moms and dads that run around like crazy, but I’m bored. BORED. And I think they are too.
I have lots to keep me busy, but not much that is “exciting”. So, when nothing happened to drastically alter our existence, I decided to make some changes. And being the new year, I figured I would call them my resolutions. Then I thought about how resolutions are pretty much broken in the first week, so I’m just sticking with “CHANGES”. It will be my word of the year.
By the way, how many posts have you read already with everyone’s list of things to do, and conversely, how much they accomplished last year? I can’t get over how many projects people have finished, and how many more they want to start! Makes my head spin.
So, I’m keeping it simple. I want to change the way we live. I want to change the reasons I do things (less about blogging about it, more about what I love to do). I want to change the way I go about my day – be more present in the here and now – every single day. I want to change the way we work as a family, by making us get off the couch and do more together. And I want to change how I am taking care of myself. That’s a big one, and probably the most important one.
I also wanted to take a minute to say thank you. Thank you for following me. Thank you for pinning my projects. Thank you for being so supportive when I post personal things that don’t have anything to do with painting an old piece of furniture or trying a new pin. Thanks for all the kindness you have shown, especially when I was feeling low about the whole blogging thing, and my weight issues. (yep, that’s changing in 2013 too!) But most of all, thanks for just being you. I appreciate you more than you know. And I apologize for subjecting you to random pictures of my dog and cat making friends – but they are adorable, aren’t they?)
So, now it’s your turn… What kind of changes are you making this year?
Jaime says
I LOVE your animal photo’s in your blog! I love reading whatever you have to say/share/post. At the end of the day, we are who we are, and people either ‘get’ us or they don’t. Thank YOU for blogging and sharing your life with us! 🙂
Alie says
Hi Eliesa! I enjoy your blog so much! I’m a PBC girl who is living the Army Wife Life. I LOVE reading about your trips to Faith Farm, and it brings me home. Please keep it up. You don’t need to compete with the Big Boys. No one does. My home doesn’t look like theirs, and never will, I’m a real person! I don’t need any more ‘stuff’ from thrift stores either. BUT! I love to look, so give us the names of the places you visit, and take pics. I don’t know if you’d be interested in consigning some of your upgrades, but that might make room for more Faith Farm Visits.
Either way, thanks for all the lessons, and reminders of “home”.
mairzeebp says
Friend, I believe you may have received The Liebster Blog award several times but am nominating you again because you’re awesome and that’s that :). Feel free to do with it what you may as I know that the awards thing can sometimes be a bit tedious with the rules and all of the writing…No pressure!